David~ David?? David!!!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Weblog Assignment #1

I choose the site www.travelersdigest.com/top_dangerous_locations.htm
This site tells about dangerous locations of the world's. The name of the location is "Chechnya, Russia, Equatorial Africa, Israel, Iraq, North Korea, Serbia, Sri Lanka and United States." Israel while being the birthplace of the Abrahamic religions is a very dangerous place to visit. As if being the birthplace of modern day religions couldn't have told you that already. And about North Korea. While other countries may be communist, such as china and cuba, always remember there is a storong difference between communism and North Koreanism.

My opinion

I want to tell about North Korea, because North Korea and my country are the same nation. But we live in a different place and different country system. N.k is a communist society but my country is a democracy. So, now we can't live together. We are just a divided country. It is a real sad story. I hoped North Korea and South Korea will be together in the near future.

Weblog Assiment #1