David~ David?? David!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Finding aquaculture - Research Paper -

Finding aquacultures

In “Starting a fish farm can bring profit to homeowners,” Glenn (2006), writes “One answer could be to turn a pond or a spare barn into an aquaculture operation. It can take less than $10,000 to start raising fish on a small scale, and the payoff from a side business can add up to $10,000 to $20,000 a year”, (para. 2). Aquaculture, which called the ocean’s farms, is developing because of many benefits. Many countries realize aquaculture industry can make lots of money. However, aquaculture industry could cause environmental problem such as wasted foods cause ammonia and in case of illness to fish. So people have to use some kind of strong medicine for treat fish. Some fish medicines are good for treating fish’s illness but may kill or causes serious problem to other living organisms in ocean such as corals, plants and an invertebrate animals. However, aquaculture industries have more benefits to both people and animal. In America, it makes good environmental sense, good health sense and good economic sense specifically in America.

According to Dictionary, “the science, art, and business of cultivating marine or freshwater food fish or shellfish, such as oysters, clams, salmon, and trout, under controlled conditions,” (2008, par 1). Aquaculture industries were not a popular but they are the fastest growing food sector in the world. In “Fresh Currents in Fish Farming” the author tell us “An economic base for investment in aquaculture has been established, with earlier industry projections indicating that even limited government intervention over the next 10-15 years would increase production from the current 2000 tons to 15000 tons per year, and increase employment from 740 people to about 3800 people” (2006, para. 2). Even though aquaculture industry has disadvantages, the industry rates are going up. For example, aquaculture could cause many environmental problems. In these days, the aquaculture industry almost 43 percent or nearly half of fish consumed worldwide. Aquaculture industry saves nature and man.

First, aquaculture makes good environmental sense. It can protect endangered ocean biodiversity and focus on water condition for growing seafood. This point is very important because some of ocean’s living organisms are in danger from human being. For example, if people get a fish from aquaculture industry instead of wild catch, people do not need to worry about destroy living organisms. In “Aquaculture to the Rescue” the author states “It will give Americans more control of the environmental conditions under which our seafood is grown. It can be used in hatcheries to restore depleted species of fish and shellfish and boost catches for commercial and sport fishermen. It can complement wild catches to meet the growing demand for seafood” (2007, para. 5). Thus, fish breeding by aquaculture industry good for both human and nature. Indeed, aquaculture industry has not much cause environmental problems. In “Fish Out of Ocean Water” the author states, “We don’t use pesticides or fertilizers, Pillow says. The only chemical that we use is copper sulfate, if the fish get a fungus.” Aquaculture industry is good for save our some endangered species in the ocean. In these days, some of the ocean’s living organisms are endangered because of their unique and restrict native area but aquaculture may help them. Therefore, when people try to make an aquaculture industry, ocean‘s environment has to under the well management.

Second, aquaculture makes good health condition to people. Actually, some meats such as pork and beef has high amount of cholesterol rates, but ocean’s living organisms does not. So fish and shellfish are good for prevent diseases of adult people. When people eat seafood as raw such as oyster; it may helpful recover their sight, good for people’s skin condition. In “Aquaculture to the Rescue” the author states, “The mounting medical research on the benefits of seafood to human health cannot be ignored. Seafood is an excellent source of protein, is low in fat and sodium, and contains other vitamins and minerals that are important for good health” (2007, para. 4). So when human eat more seafood than meat, they may live healthier life. Indeed, seafood is good for both adults and children’s health.

Third, aquaculture industry makes good economic sense. The United States spend lot of money to import much seafood. In “White House Seeks to Boost Aquaculture” the author states “Farming of saltwater species such as salmon and shrimp is common in countries such as Thailand, Canada, China and Scotland. Much of their catch is sold in the United States” (2007, para. 9). Therefore, aquaculture is not small industry it can be variety of sizes and it is also becoming global issues. Indeed, the very first investments of fish tanks are not much expensive. In “Starting a Fish Farm Can Bring Profit to Homeowners” the author states, “It costs about $1,000 to start an aquaculture business with one tank” (2006, para. 7). Also, In “Starting a Fish Farm Can Bring Profit to Homeowners” the author states, “Martin recommends farmers start small until they learn how to raise fish and cultivate buyers for the product. Buy even a side aquaculture business can generate $10,000 to $20,000 in annual sales” (2006, para 12). Aquaculture can give a chance to make lots of money to people. Aquaculture industry has lots of economy efficiency, so United States need to develop better technology for keeping and import seafood.

Some people say that aquaculture industry ruin ocean’s condition. Because people abuse fish care drugs, it causes big problem in the ocean. When people try to prevent fish diseases, they using lots of drugs just for preventative purposes. So the drugs may kill much life in the ocean such as coral, plants and invertebrate animals. And some other problems are waste of food and lots of fish’s waste in small area. However, that may be true for some but not happen in every place. Actually, many aquatic medicines are coming from nature sources in these days such as garlic and cactus so people who work for aquatic can prevent those problems that are not a big deal. Also, if they use good working water filter in the ocean, the wastes of food and fish’s waste is fine. Thus, aquaculture fishes are possible as healthier as wild fishes.

In conclusion, aquaculture industry is very big deal in this century. Many countries try to develop their own technology about aquatics. So now, the aquatic markets are getting bigger and worldwide. To breed aquatics are cheap and easy but has lots of economical efficiency. Aquaculture industry has many benefits to people such as aquaculture is good for ocean environment, make people more healthy and has many benefits economically. When people breeding seafood, they are more take care about water quality so environment of ocean to stay clean. And much seafood has less cholesterol than meet so good for prevent an adult disease. People have to be aware of this issue for the future and their life.


Aquaculture. (2008). Dictionary. Retrieved February 20, 2008 from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/aquaculture

Aquaculture produces nearly half world’s fish. (2006, September 20). Voice of America News. Retrieved February 20, 2008, from Lexis Nexis database.

Fish out of ocean water. (2007, July/August). The Green Guide Institute. Retrieved February 20, 2008, from http://www.thegreenguide.com/doc/121/fish

Garbis, S. (2007, May 14). Hooked on fish. The Advertiser. Retrieved February 20, 2008, from Lexis Nexis database.

Glenn, J. (2006, May 7). Starting a fish farm can bring profit to homeowners. The Associated Press State & Local Wire. Retrieved February 20, 2008, from Lexis Nexis database.

Heilprin, J. (2007, March 11). White house seeks to boost aquaculture. Associated Press Online. Retrieved February 20, 2008, from Lexis Nexis database.

Lautenbacher, C, C. (2007, March 19). Aquaculture to the rescue. The Washington Times. Retrieved February 20, 2008, from Lexis Nexis database.

Mzeke, N. (2006, November 20). Fresh currents in fish farming. Business Day. Retrieved February 20, 2008, from Lexis Nexis database.

U.S. aquaculture a billion dollar industry, USDA reports. (2007, May 29). US Fed News.
Retrieved February 20, 2008, from Lexis Nexis database.


What about Clone Things?

David Kim
EAP2 Writer’s Workshop
Ms. Wright
Summary and Response
February 20, 2008

What about Clone Things?

In Guterl’s (2008) article, “Would You Like Fries With Your Clone?,” he discusses GM food’s safety. According to this article, GM food has many benefits to people. For example, clone food has same quality as original food so it may help to save money. Actually, some of clone animals are already supplied in the US. However, there is some opposite side of people. That food could cause dangerous situation because it is not an original product from nature. Even though, the author gives both right and apposite sides because he claims that we would not expect cloning food may harmful for human.

The author’s opinion is clearly in this article. In U.S and European food agencies are try to make a clone food. Actually, clone food has both advantages and disadvantages. Foods are limited to take care all people in the world so they made clone food. This kind of work may improve the quality of food, save endangered animal species and help people to organ transplant.

First, the clone food may improve quality of food. Animals have superior in their species. In this case, there is some benefit if people take superior animals DNA for breeding. People can get a quality of food from them. The clone animals are bigger and stronger than others. So it could good for people, they can eat quality of food everyday and every time.

Second, clone body parts in animal body may help people to organ transplant. Some people in the world have deadly diseases. In some of their cases, if they have chance to organ transplant, they can live. So scientists can grow some people’s organ in animal’s body. Some scientists are already trying to that kind of project to mouse. When they set a small piece of ears on mouse’s body, the ears are getting bigger in natural way. So that may helpful earless people. Clone body parts need for people’s better quality life.

Finally, clone technique can save endangered animal species. Because of human activity, in some areas native species are endangered. So those animals have difficulty to reproduce their species because there are not enough census to breed. In this kind of case, the clone technology is so much helpful to animals. Moreover, the clone technology can reproduce exterminated animal species. It is very good way to save animals.

In conclusion, clone technology could cause bad things but it has more benefits. That can improve quality of food, help people to do organ transplant and save endangered species. So if the clone technology can control by people, it is good for people’s life.

Guterl, F. (2008). Would You Like Fries With Your Clone? Newsweek. Retrieved February 20, 2008, from://www.newsweek.com


The World Abused by Technology

EAP 2 Writer’s Workshop
Ms Wright
Argumentative Essay

The world abused by Technology

All of the world’s people using technology things in anytime and everywhere. Actually, many people are abused by technology things such as cell phones, laptop or desktops, the Internet and so on. Anyone can easily see the people who use technology things when they are working around, study and many other situations. It is already be part of human lives; some people cannot live without technology things. Both adult and children already abuse in technology things. That happen could cause big happen. Everyone in every age is in danger that it might be causes mental problem, health problem and environment problem. People should aware of using technology things for themselves.

First of all, technology could cause mental problem. Most people have their own cell phones and television and using it anytime in everyday. Some of them may not live without those things even 1 hour, it mean like they are already abused in technology things. Most children has abused about video game and cell phone games. They bring it and use it even they are going to rest room. Their lives just focus on the technology stuffs. In this situation, they cannot live like a human. For example of Korea, most of children have their own desktop, MP3, cell phones and video games. They just doing it for their fun it already is their daily habit. They enjoy meet their friends by messenger or talk with cell phones. They are not doing much exercise because of technology things. And some other case, some Korean guys are dead during the computer game. They didn’t eat food well and drink water even sleep. That is not a people’s life almost like an animal. What makes people like that technology things did it? So when people using those things they have to have their own rules for using those things, if they do not want to be like an animal.

Next, it could cause physical problem. It may make people stay inside and easy to tired. It means too much use technology things every single day, it could cause health problem. For example, people’s eyes are easy to dry and also their finger is going to close. Not even those things it may cause many other problems. It says not just about weak or sick people; healthy people could have a same problem. If people not much exercise in outside, they are going to weak. For example, when people do video games at home, they just using their eyes and hands. If this kind of situation is keep going, what happen can you expect next? Also, when people’s are going to weak, they are easy to get a disease because they are weak so their immune about diseases going down. For their healthier life, people have to take care and think differently about technology things.

Third, it is possible to cause environmental problem. If technology is growing up, the earth’s pollute is also growing up. The inventor using lots of nature source for invent something and those happen will cause ecological adaptation. In case of Korea, the frogs and fishes that come from U.S make Korea ecosystem change badly. For example, the frogs eat everything such as native frogs, snakes and large fishes. It is not making a sense, how frogs eat snakes. That happen is not just in Korea, all of the world’s countries may have same problem. Moreover, many animal species will extinct by environment change. People should do something different for our environment. People not live alone, they have to live with our nature and animals, they should remember that.

Many people enjoy surfing the Internet because those things are very convince. So they say, we can save our time with easy way. They can find many information directly, order some stuff what they need and meet friends by messengers. Yes, I also think using the Internet is very convinced but if you use too much time and everything thru the Internet, you could be a geek. However, I think that might make people dumb. People not going to library so their thinking and guessing skill may fall. If they are people they need to use their brains and bodies for them. People need to take care of themselves for living like human.

In conclusion, technology things change the world rapidly. Also it has many beneficial things but many people abuse it in their life. They start their day life with those things and also finish their day life with it. This situation is people not control the technology things, technology things control the people. Too much use technology things will cause mental, physical and environment problem. It is actuality. People need to aware of that problem.
