David~ David?? David!!!

Monday, September 25, 2006

weblog assignment #4

I visited the site http://www.slowlane.com/ "resource for stay-at-home dads".
This site is about home dads. Men are housemoms so they stay at home and take care of their children.
These days, there is the new book about "The Man Who Would Be Dad". The book tells about how dads part is changing, how to be today's father.
All of them are written for staying at home dads including local and international dad orfanizations, single dads, new dads, and divorced dads. So men are understanding their wives.

My opinion
The dads change these days such as stay at home, new dads, kind of single dads, and divorced dads, they are increasing.
This site is to help those guys, give information, the same quality as each other, to live more easy and comfortable.
They make contact, so various things are useful for them. I think they can release their stresses and strains for their societies or families so this site is good for todays dads. I will like this site.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

weblog assignment #3

I visited the site http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4785824.stm.
"EU's Gender Gap still wide open."

This site is about gender problem in EU.
The main point in this article, European women do better in school than men, but get lower pay and fewer top jobs.

More than 70% women finish second education compared to 75% of men, and female students in university.

In the world, the Lavita has the highest rate of women worker, 44%, while Cyprus has the lowest women worker in the world, with just 14%.

Women accomplish an whole better educational level than men but so many women get a part-time job show in the data.

So The European make for gender equality should be operational by 1 Junuary 2007.
It will have a budget of 52.5 million euros for the period until 2013.

My opinion

I think this site tells about gender problem between men and women.
Women took a education same like men, however to hard get a nice job and get lower pay. It is problem because women take all of same course like men so they have to get a just right claim. This is like a old customs so people have to change their mind and think.
So we have to get rid of a bad custom because our society is not driven by only men, is should be driven by all-gender.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Weblog Assignment #2


I visit site http://www.gendercenter.org/violence.html "Gender and School Violence".
This site about young ages violence. Male students ages 12 through 18 reported more crime against them occurring at school or going to or from school than females in 2003. The percent of males in grades 9 through 12 repoted in 1997 they were threatended or injured with a weapon on school property. Threats and bullying about five percent of males and females reported bullying in 1999 and 2001 increased to nine percent. 12th grade males were more likely than 12th grade females between 1976 and 1996. Males in grades 9 through 12 were more than twice as likely to report they had been in a physical fight than females in 2001. 18 percent of males and three percent of females reported carrying a weapon.

My opinion

Boys violence is more than girls. I think it is influence about tv program because much program has a action like violence. And actor is more than actress in violence tv program. So i think young guys have to protect from tv. The cause violence is Media. And problem to their's parents. Parents have t0 choose good media because children following them. So parent's part is important.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Weblog Assignment #1


Dan Gun Myth Story

This story is about a Korean myth, the name of this story is "Dan-Gun Myth". It is the very first story of Korea. The story starts like this: God's son whose name is Hae-Mo-Su comes doen from sky with many subjects and three spirits. Each of the spirits can handle rain, wind, and the sun. There were no rules, just animals, no humans before those guys came down, so they became the first Koreans. After that, they started to farm, build houses and make some laws. It seems like a balanced and ideal society, especially to animals. So a tiger and a bear visited Hae-Mo-Su. They hoped to be a human, so they asked to him how they can be a human. Hae-Mo-Su says, they will be human if they stay in a cave 100days and just eat garlic and mugwort, so the tiger and bear decided to stay in a cave with just galic and mugwort. After three weeks, the tiger wanted to get out and eat some meat. So he left for the rest of the days. But the bear stayed alone. On the 100th day, Hae-Mo-Su visited the cave and was impressed. So hw made the bear into a woman. The bear woman's name is "Bear-Woman", the bear is a symbol of the ideal Korean woman. Tenacity, gentle and plump personality liken the bear to a woman. At last, Hae-Mo-Su and Bear-Woman married and had a baby whose name is Dan-Gun, the first king of Korea.