Argument Essay - Coral Reefs -
EAP2 A Writer’s Workshop
Argument Essay
November 13, 2007
Coral reefs
According to Space Daily (2006), Global warming has had a more devastating effect on some of the world’s finest coral reefs than previously assumed, suggests the first report to show the long-term impact of sea temperature rise on coral reefs and fish communities. Global warming is serious problem in coral reefs because coral reefs cannot live in a high temperature, but global warming makes sea temperature higher. People may think that is not a very big problem or that they can control the problem. However, according to the article, in 1998, there was big event in the Indian Ocean (Space Daily, 2006). The coral reefs were damaged by global warming, but after the event they could not reseed and recover. If corals cannot reseed and recover, they may be extinct from the ocean. Therefore, people should find new way to prevent global warming from destroying coral reefs. People should develop a new system and also vehicles and factories should have a system for purification.
First of all, people should develop new systems of machine without using Freon gas, such as new types of air-conditioners or refrigerators. Actually, Freon gas causes many kinds of bad effects, for example, it makes a hole in ozone, causes people’s skin cancer or cataracts in the eyes, ruins the ecosystem and causes the greenhouse effect. It could be hard to find and spread out an alternative to Freon gas, but people should do that for our healthy nature.
Second, people should know about damage to coral reefs. Many people don’t know about the effect of their selfishness on coral reefs. Most coral reefs are in a shoaling beach, because they need sunshine and calm waves, but people ruin it. People usually cut corals off for their own purposes, such as for aquariums. Coral reefs include algae; algae is a very important thing in the ocean with coral reefs. Algae’s photosynthesis can be helpful to slow down global warming. Many coral reefs need tropical temperature for their reseeding and reproducing. So people should take care of the ocean in this were for our coral reefs. If many people know about them, they may be ruined by people, so it would be better to keep them free of people’s concern.
Third, vehicles or factories should have systems for purification. Everyone has their own car and everywhere factories are running for people. Therefore, this is a big problem; when vehicles and factories are working, they make carbon dioxide. Vehicles use fossil fuels and factories do also. So these things make and a huge amount of carbon dioxide, and it causes the greenhouse effect faster, and also global warming. However, if people use purification systems, the amount of carbon dioxide will be decreased, but people often cannot use it because purification systems are very expensive. So people should work on them more readily a reliable and widespread for our environment, because making cars or factories stop does not make sense. We should commit to purification systems.
Some people say that global warming helps to spread out our coral reefs’ range. However, that may be true for some but not good for every coral reef; just a certain area of coral reefs will benefit. In your thinking, coral reefs’ area’s being more widely spread out by global warming is good for us, but it is not. Because that happen in just a small part of area so when other basic coral reefs are disappear. If new coral reefs area may gone fast because people will go to just that area for many reasons or many kind of fishes or other ocean organisms coming just that place. So that place will ruined. So we should take care of our coral reefs at least from now on.
In conclusion, people should develop a new system to replace harmful machines such as air-conditioners or refrigerators, to protect our ozone. People should not damage coral reefs, because coral reefs have much benefit for people’s lives. Also, our vehicles and factories should have systems for purification for saving our environment. We have to work hard for coral reefs because if they are gone, our ocean environment will die.
Bolt, A. (2006, April 9). Reef survives all that hot air.The Sunday Mail. Nationwide
News Pty Limited. Retrieved November 6, 2007 from Lexis Nexis database.
Dipietro, J. (2005, March 23). Coral reefs in danger. The Oracle. Retrieved
November 6, 2007 from
Global warming may have damaged coral reefs forever. (2006, May 17). Space Daily, Distributed United Press International. Retrieved September 6, 2007 from Lexis Nexis database.
Marohasy, J. (2007, January 31). Reef may benefit from global warming.
The Australian. Nationwide News Pty Limited. Retrieved November 6, 2007 from Lexis Nexis database.
Probasco, M. (2006, October 26). Scientists say world’s coral reefs in danger; global warming likely to blame. USA Today. Retrieved November 6, 2007 from reefs_x.htm?POE=WEAISVA
Labels: David K